SpinCare®™ Repair
The motorized or Belt driven Meyrat spindles are designed for applications demanding high performance and precision. It is possible that an accident could occur or an dysfunction which result an unplanned shutdown of these. In such cases, we remain at your disponal for:
- Providing you an responsive and efficient after sales service
- Analyse the cause of the dysfunctioning
- Allowing you to turn production in an extremely short time
- Keep the performance and efficiency of your Meyrat Spindle throughout the production cycle
- Ensure the quality and the precision of your production tool during all the lifecycle of your Meyrat Spindle
- Delivery in Switzerland within 20 working days or as agreed upon receipt of order
- Warranty from 6 months on the repaired spindle
- Unique price for the repair (Level 1)

Repair Level 1 is a basic repair defined specifically for each model of spindle depending on experience gained by Meyrat.

Repair Level 2 is a personalized repair depending on the needs of the customer. An analysis, a quote is prepared for an optimal repair of the spindle.
Complete our repair request form Level 1 ou Level 2